As predicted iTools english download is the best rival application to iTunes. It allows transfer items, backup/restore iDevice, creating unique ringtones, video converter, iTunes driver diagnostics instead of generally accessible feasibilities. Download iTools offers managing file explorer, battery server, storage, screen mirror, icons manager, icon fixer and more other features. The simplified GUI rendering easy comprehension of managing iPhone, iPad or iPod touch devices as well. The iTunes grants users to manage iDevices in an easy manner. Overall though, iFunBox lets you make the most of your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch by providing you with a full featured file browser that helps transfer data between your Apple device and your computer.ITools Download iTools is a free alternative application to the iTunes. Takes the pain out of accessing data on your iOS devices In addition, there are numerous annoying advertisement pop-ups within iFunBox while you're using it although these enable the developer to offer the app for free.

The main problem with iFunBox for Mac is the terrible Windows style interface that looks awful and doesn't make file browsing very easy or intuitive on a mac. iFunBox also lets you convert and upload any image to the iPhone as wallpaper, but unfortunately this function requires jailbreaking your device. With iFunBox you can easily transfer files between the iPad, iPhone or iPod and the computer, take advantage of the device's storage and use it as a portable USB disk, and make backup copies of all your music and video files. iFunBox will immediately read the contents of the device and display it in a double-pane interface, with the folder structure on the left side and the date stored in the selected folder on the right side. All you have to do is plug your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to the PC and launch the program – no installation required.